Although Nick is my partner Candy’s brother i did not know him as intimately as many of you who either grew up with him or got to spend many happy times and holidays with him in your adult years.
My memory of Nick in the times i was lucky enough to spend in his company was one of an overwhelmingly loving, caring, gentle family man. He cared about everyone he met so much and loved his family with all his heart. He was a very humble guy but so generous in many ways with his time and dedication he put into his very close friendships with so many people.
He cared so much about people which will be my overriding memory of him and i just wish i could have spent more time in the company of this most beautiful man. I wish i could have go to know him as well as some of you who were lucky enough to have spent many happy hours and days with him.
This world will not be the same without Nick and we all feel his loss so acutely.
We all love you so so much Nick.