OUR NICK.......... (Read out at his ceremony by Candy, his sister)

Created by Candice 2 years ago


"Positive, encouraging, supportive, complimentary”...”
Nick was thoughtful, loving, and wonderfully unique”

“His infectious laughter would make everyone’s day better”

“Sunny, one of a kind, Nick genuinely enjoyed making people
These are some of the words of Nicks' friends, who are forever
grateful Nick chose them to spend special times in his life.

Nick was my brother but he felt like a brother to so
many others....the brother they chose to have.

Nick used to tease me incessantly when we were young. He
used to call me “goofy” and I would go crying to our mum and dad.

At Christmas he would always encourage me to open all my
presents first then wind me up about having all his presents left!

As we got older I remember looking up to Nick as my big

Long blonde hair, riding his neon green motorbike, then travelling around the world, studying for years, before landing himself amazing jobs.

Nick was smart, and what he achieved in his career was huge, but so very deserved.

 For Nick it was people not money that he cared about most, and WOW ... Nick has so many wonderful friends!
From Suffolk to Peru, Majorca to London, and Miami to Ibiza, Nick truly mattered to his friends and there was ALOT of love between them!
Always sporting a blue top, when Nick was with you he had a way of making you feel like you were the only person in the room. He was just such a nice guy and a pleasure to be around. 

Nick absolutely adored our  parents. He felt loved and protected and
would always speak about how he had the perfect childhood with the best and most loving parents.
Nick was grateful for everything mum and dad did for him and
thankfully spent a lot of time with them in the last couple of years.

He loved the contentment of being with them at home in Woodbridge, enjoying home cooking and the feeling of being cared for. 
He always told mum & dad he loved them, and one thing we know for sure is that Nick, or Nicholas as our parents call him, would want to be brought home, back to Suffolk, his real home, his safe place.

Nick has two beautiful children, Karolina & Maxi,
they were his absolute world. He loved caring for them, playing with them,always taking them to the park,  and hanging out watching movies together.
An amazing daddy who did all he could to provide his
children with stability, love and security.


“ Your daddy loved you so very much, and was so proud
of you both.
If daddy had one wish right now, he would wish you happiness"

Daddy would want your nana & pops
and I, your auntie Candy, and your cousins here, Sidney, Hector and Jersey to be in your lives.

You will feel daddy’s love through us, his family, your family, we love you too and we will ALWAYS be here for you . Always know that to be true, I promise you both.

(We give you these photobooks so you can look at your daddy
each day and remember the special moments you shared, we have many things to tell you about your daddy as you grow up)

Your daddy’s love will stay with you forever. It really is ok to talk
about him, your daddy would want that, its so important to keep his memory fresh in your minds.
We know how much you love your daddy and miss him so very much.....
Hold him tight in your hearts, and he will always be with you.

NICK ; If you can hear me now I am going to miss you, we
are all going to miss you, so very, very much.

I wish we could of spent more time together over the past
years. I wish so many things could have been different for you.

Most of all I wish I had put my arms around you , hugged you, looked you in the eyes and told you there was a way through, given you the strength to hold on.
In darkness there is always a pinprick of light, I wish I
could of found that for you ......  we need to find that too now.....


I love you bro xx